Psychological disorder is also known as a mental disorder or mental illness. It is a behavioral or psychological pattern occurring in an individual which creates distress or disability, which is not a part of normal behavior. It is a group of symptoms that create impairment in school, family, work, relationship and/ or in daily life.
Mental disorders are classified by two well established systems. They are –
There are approximately 250 different psychological disorders described by DSM-IV TR. Mental disorders vary from post traumatic stress syndrome to simple phobias. Some of the important psychological disorders are eating disorders, Schizophrenic disorders, mood disorders, childhood disorders, somatoform disorders, adjustment disorders, sleep disorders, impulse control disorders, anxiety disorders and personality disorders.
Risk Factors /Causes
The exact cause for the origin of psychological disorder is not clear. Psychological disorders may arise from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
(a)Biological Factors – Biological factors that may have an impact in the origin of mental illness are as follows:
(b)Psychological Factors
(c) Environmental Factors – There are some stressors which can trigger an illness in a person susceptible to mental illness. These stressors are:
Today, Psychological disorders are on the rise and they pose as one of the biggest health challenges. Use of allopathic medicine in psychological disorders has given rise to several drawbacks. Allopathic medicines reduce the functioning of the patient as it produces tremendous side effects. Homoeopathy is the system which can offer safe and effective treatment for psychological disorders. It considers the entire body and mind as a single unit. It helps in treating the patient from the psychological disorders and also makes the patient more functional and more equipped and adaptable to tackle the stress in life. Homoeopathy helps in treating the root cause of the psychological disorder. It can also resolve suppressed emotions. It helps in restoring the chemical imbalance of the brain.
Steps to manage stress and to increase low self-esteem can help in preventing psychological disorders. Early homoeopathic treatment can help in preventing the worsening of the mental illness.