Hepatitis B

This case is regarding a patient who was suffering from Hepatitis B.

Gender: Male
Age: 20 yrs.
Date: October 2003

A patient, who was suffering from Hepatitis B, came to me. He showed the presence of physical symptoms such as nausea; Constipation and Diarrhea alternating. He was a thermally hot patient. Some of the mental symptoms exhibited by the patient were oversensitiveness, Sad, Loss of self control, Suicidal tendency, Unsatisfied and sometimes violent & mostly irritable.

After the case history was taken, I inferred that the patient initially required counseling rather than the medicine. For three consecutive days, I gave counseling sessions which lasted for 30-40 minutes. These counseling sessions made the patient surprisingly much better both, physically and mentally. One week after the medications were started, the patient was cured with just a single remedy in a period of 10 weeks. After the prescribed treatment, the investigations revealed absence of Hepatitis B.

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