Antibodies are large Y-shaped proteins which are also known as immunoglobulins. They are proteins which are manufactured by the body to aid fight against foreign substances which are known as antigens. The entry of an antigen stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. The antibodies in turn attach themselves or bind themselves to the antigen and inactivate the antigen.
Antibodies are derived from the B-cells of the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen. As antibodies freely exist in the bloodstream, they are considered to be part of the humoral immune system. The manufacture of antibodies by B-cells is the chief function of the humoral immune system. The function of antibodies is to recognize and help eliminate the foreign antigens like viruses and bacteria. Because of the two tips of “Y”, each antibody identifies a specific foreign antigen. The two tips permit different antibodies to combine with different foreign antigens.
There are five varying classes of antibodies, each with particular function in immune response. They are –
Autoimmune Disease
When the body’s immune system loses its ability to identify between self and non self then, results an autoimmune disease. Here, the body produces antibodies which are known as autoantibodies, that is antibodies against its own tissues. The loss of ability to distinguish between self and non self may result in the destruction of body tissue and give rise to several chronic and debilitating diseases.
Infections by viruses and bacteria can trigger an autoimmune response or exposure to some chemicals and ultraviolet light may modify the proteins in the skin which can produce autoantibodies against them. There are some persons who are genetically predisposed to have autoimmune responses. Some of these diseases can be rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, and pernicious anemia.
Homoeopathy can help reduce or eliminate autoimmunity. It can help in relieving the symptoms and improving the quality of life. The treatment of an autoimmune disease is dependent on the symptoms that are linked with a particular disease. Homoeopathy aids in restoring the body’s self-healing mechanisms and the natural balance. Homeopathy can aid in relieving the symptoms that are linked with autoimmune diseases and helps in enhancing the functioning. Homeopathy is a safe and natural form of treatment in the case of autoimmune disorders. It considers in treating the patient as a whole rather than treating the illness alone.